The Alma Alba Theatre Company
The Alma Alba Theatre Company was created in Geneva, in 2011. It has so far presented number of projects. Our latest performance “Heteroclite buffer memory” was invited by the Buffer Fringe Festival of Cyprus in 2019.
The artistic director of the company, Lefki Papachrysostomou, born and raised in Cyprus, carried out the stage direction of these projects surrounded by number of collaborators.
The Company focuses on research on the performative coexistence of theatrical or not theatrical texts and today’s social reality. We dealt with subjects such as the feminine act of revolting, the feminine solitude, the human’s dark shadow, the constant quest of happiness, the uniqueness of identity and the haunted memory of the island of Cyprus.
We attempt to present through prose, image, sound and movement what today’s life experience seems to be like. The point of view elaborated is not of our time and meets the timelessness. Our motto, worded by sociologist Gilbert Durand: being in one´s time yet not of one´s time.